I Would Love to Hear from You!

“The reason I like Kamakshi is because she helps me when I’m sad and helps me be around horses. It is also very fun unlike other classes I take.” - Scarlett Bash, 9 yrs.

“The reason I like Kamakshi is because she helps me when I’m sad and helps me be around horses. It is also very fun unlike other classes I take.” - Scarlett Bash, 9 yrs.


Let’s Connect.

Contact Me to set up a Complimentary Conversation so we can discuss what you wish to change, clarify or resolve about the nature of your current situation and what form of counsel, coaching or program may be suited for you at this time.

Send me an email and I will get back to you within 48 hours with a big hello and available dates and times for us to schedule a call, FaceTime or Zoom.

Email: KamakshiHart@gmail.com

Cultivate your happiness today.