You do not need to be fixed. You do not need to be changed. You may need to let the inner eagle of your own True Nature fly free from her cage.

You may be searching for a new direction in life, a greater sense of meaning and purpose, work/life balance, loving relationship, desire to sustain a positive outlook, your health and inner peace and needing to build your resilience to meet the challenges of your life and our times.

Grief, loss, the many transitions that occur in our lives are worthy of time and attention. Rites of Passage provide a structure that assists our consciousness in valuing the impact that transitions bring. If you are someone who has had traumatic experiences of any kind the impact may be even greater and can trigger unhealed and unresolved emotions, memories and the toxic stress that trauma introduces into our nervous system.


“To know you can navigate the wilderness on your own—to know that you can stay true to your beliefs, trust yourself, and survive it—that is true belonging.” - Brene Brown

True transformation is not for the faint of heart. It’s a roll up the shirt sleeves and get-down-to-it event. Bring your willingness, your strength of heart and all those quaking questions of self-worth and safety. I’ve got you.

Through a well-defined, linear framework designed to foster clarity you will: Install the details of your healing intention at a deep level to activate and entrain your desire, commitment and dedication to change. Create a vision of the end result that offers a filter to guide future decisions, choices and actions. Use a strengths-based, present- and future-focused approach that incorporates all areas of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual realms to create change at deep levels. Own the changes you make because they are designed, orchestrated and implemented according to your priorities, values and desires. And start to craft ideas for what you would like to experience as you shift away from the past and present to the future.

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” - John Muir, 1838-1914, environmental activist

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.” - John Muir, 1838-1914, environmental activist


Transformational Coaching Out-of-Doors

Connection with Nature, Horses and a tradition that honors our Intrinsic Gift and the Passages of Our Lives are all heralded as profound allies in our quest for self-change.

The following approaches are available and may be discussed in our initial intake:

1) Sessions held outdoors: in a nature location or in the presence of horses;

2) Rites of Passage: co-created nature ceremonies to honor challenges, changes in age stage, relationships at home and work, transitions, loss and grief;

3) Spirit-Quest Journeys: individually designed experiences to meet a deeper longing for having one’s own True Nature seen and celebrated within Nature Herself.

“Knowing that you love the Earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the Earth loves you in return, the feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street to a sacred bond.”  - Robin Wall Kimmerer, author & scientist

“Knowing that you love the Earth changes you, activates you to defend and protect and celebrate. But when you feel that the Earth loves you in return, the feeling transforms the relationship from a one-way street to a sacred bond.” - Robin Wall Kimmerer, author & scientist

Cross the Threshold to Your Own Belonging.

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Next Steps:

To schedule a 30-minute Coaching Conversation, email for appointment availability. This will be a time to ask each other questions and discover how we may move forward together. Consultations may be held by phone, FaceTime or Zoom.

We may then schedule a first session to go deeper and determine what type and length of a coaching program will best address your concerns. All coaching program recommendations are designed with your unique situation in mind. As a result, rates will vary according to the program chosen from the menu of options provided. 

“When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you.”

- Rumi , 13th century Persian mystic